Career coach to help you with career plan

Benefits of Career Coaching and Planning

In this article:

Why Career Paths Aren't Linear

Working With a Professional vs. Doing it Alone

When Do You Need Career Coaching?

Where Can I Find a Career Coach?

Updating Your Resume & Your Networking Site


Career coaching is a service provided by certified professionals who primarily offer support for their clients on their journey through life, learning and work changes. This includes career exploration, making career choices, managing career changes, lifelong career development and dealing with other career-related issues.

Career coaches are experts in career planning, resume building, interviewing and negotiating. As professionals they know are experienced at pinpointing the best aspects of your professional experience and market you in the most efficient and appealing way possible to potential employers. Throughout their career, they have focused on honing their skills to benefit others in a professional capacity and are well versed in crafting resumes, career planning, motivation techniques and, most importantly, network building.

Whether you’re just starting out and unsure which path to take, hoping to chase a new passion, or you’re ready to move to the next level, getting an outside perspective from a professional will provide the clarity and confidence you need to succeed in your next steps.

Why career paths aren’t always linear

Career coaches can be particularly helpful when considering non-linear career paths which have become increasingly popular in the current job market.

Lifetime employment and linear progression at a single company seems to be a relic of the past as career flux has become an acceptable norm. Non-linear careers may begin in one direction, then transition to many different paths, sometimes more than once.

These shifts typically happen as people make discoveries about themselves, learn new skills and gain new insights into their preferences. They can also happen as unexpected opportunities present themselves, which is where career coaching can offer important professional advice and insight into navigating these changes while optimizing for focused growth.

Working with a professional vs. doing it alone

As with all things, you can definitely navigate career planning, resume building, interviewing and negotiating on your own. There are many resources openly available to anyone with an internet connection, however, with a career coach at your disposal, there are some important benefits to consider.

Coaches have valuable industry experience. Good career coaches have worked within an industry for quite some time or have years of experience in job recruitment, which gives them unique insight and perspective you won’t find through a simple Google search. A well constructed career coaching session can help you land the job you’ve always wanted, get a promotion or even start your own business.

Coaches can also streamline your job application process. Their expertise and unbiased attention will help guide you towards the results you’ve been hoping for, while their vast professional network can open doors for your future development.

The biggest advantage of career coaching is that as professionals with years of experience guiding and advising individuals just like you, they are aware of all the common mistakes and pitfalls of navigating career changes.

When do you need career coaching?

  • Are you unsure of your next career move?
  • Are you looking for a drastic career change? 
  • Do you need help crafting and tailoring your resume?
  • Have you been interviewing for a while but you haven’t landed the job?
  • Do you feel stuck in your current position or company ?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, now is the time to start working with a career coach. 

Many people assume a career coach is only beneficial after you have submitted dozens of applications and are in desperate need of a job. While this would be a great time to find a coach, it’s not the only time they can provide support.

Professional career coaches can help you with career exploration, making career choices, managing career changes, lifelong career development and dealing with other career-related issues.

Where can I find a career coach?

We’re so glad you asked - at Wizco we offer all the career development you need to answer the important questions you’ve been asking but have never found the right answer to.

Our unique smart AI matching algorithm takes your unique needs into account when matching you with one 5000+ career experts to ensure you receive the guidance and feedback you need to achieve your career goals.

Take a look at the career development services we offer and book your session here.

Don’t think you need a coach? Here are some tips for some of the bigger pitfalls of handling things yourself:

Updating your resume and your networking sites (LinkedIn)

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when crafting your resume or LinkedIn presence, is generalizing. Keep in mind that most of your competitors have similar experience to you, it’s all about how you present yourself.

Pay attention to your transferable skills: Learning to identify transferable skills and talents will set you apart from the competition. In today’s job market, most people have likely worked a slew of unrelated jobs, but with close examination of those varied experiences you can reveal a common set of transferable skills among them. These are easily adjusted based on the needs of a new role you have your sights on or to secure the promotion you’re wanting, simply identify the skills needed and focus on including them in your resume.

Highlight your career development: People’s skills and talents mature over time, and while they may develop in one environment, that doesn’t mean they’re not relevant elsewhere. By identifying your transferable skills, and demonstrating how they’ve developed across multiple industries or career paths, you will prove that you’re adaptable and dedicated to growth.

Sell yourself with a well developed elevator pitch : Done right, this short speech helps you introduce yourself to career and business connections in a compelling way. It can help you build your network, land a job, or connect with new colleagues on your first day of work.

Keep LinkedIn in mind: When connecting with a future employer or networking at an event keep in mind that growing your network on LinkedIn is a great way to show your dedication to growing your skills and career. Take a look at your LinkedIn profile regularly to ensure your experience and skills are up to date, spend time highlighting achievements or additional learning you’ve mastered - these small things go a long way when presenting yourself in a professional context.

You’ve just taken your next steps towards succeeding in your career, be sure to take a look at the Wizco Blog for more insider tips and tricks and walk into every growth opportunity prepared. It pays to be prepared!

The Wizco Team

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